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Quartz crystal accurate welding of the six major processes

Quartz crystal with a kind of energy and mechanical energy can be converted to each other in the resonant state of the crystal, the stability of the crystal and welding process there is a big link, if the welding may make the crystal frequency changes. The following pine for us to introduce quartz crystal: accurate welding six processes.
First, in the welding to ensure that the temperature can not be too high will damage the crystal characteristics but also repeatedly determine the device temperature and time, the device can not remember with tweezers and hardware tool fixture can not touch the IC appearance.
Second, the temperature characteristics: usually the most normal of the most desirable temperature: +15 ° C to +35 ° C, humidity 25% RH to 85% RH can not be too high can not be too low.
Third, the aging of the crystal: chip crystal aging is also the same meaning with the same goods with a long time the information and features will be small changes, and now on the request aging rate of aging to reach the aging of a few days or more than ten days to be able to end, The rate must also be in the regular temperature scale under the national rules to determine the aging conditions are: 85 ℃, 30 days.
Fourth, before and after the thinning should think about the oven can be filled with nitrogen: in the plating before the bombardment from the clean and then shelves and then fine-tune the high temperature baking, in order to reduce the impact of stress. In order to avoid oxidation of crystal shell inside the high purity nitrogen should also be filled.
5, inspection: product testing in the inspection department labor one by one test, there are mostly factory selection with the machine, but so can not reach the exact effect.
6, the product packaging: packaging must be required to ensure good sealing, if the packaging leak inside the quartz crystal goods easily with the air in the oxygen and then the impact of oxidation can not lead to tin.